Does Home Laser Hair Removal Work

Submitted by: Weera Kunti

There are many ways of removing your unwanted hair, but it is often a messy, uncomfortable and time-consuming process. Many of us have tried methods such as waxing and shaving, but these only work temporarily. In most cases our hair will just grow back quickly and thicker than it was originally.

Using wax can help to keep your unwanted hair away for around two months maximum, but the whole process is extremely painful. It means that you need to apply some hot wax to the area, and then rip the cloth that you have applied on top of the wax away as quickly as possible. This is why the process is painful, similar, and more exaggerated, to pulling off a band-aid.

There are many creams that claim to help remove the hair that you don t want by simply dissolving it within a few minutes. However, these creams usually smell awful and can even damage your skin if you leave them there for too long. You will also need to test out these creams with a small amount to test out for any allergies before you can use them properly.


Laser Hair Removal At Home

There are many options at professional hair removal clinics, including laser hair removal. However, many people will choose to use options like this in the privacy of their own home. There are actually many different do-it-yourself laser hair removal kits now available specifically for this purpose. They can often prove extremely cost effective, but are they right for you?

If you want to do laser hair removal at home this will be done with a small version of a portable laser. This works by pushing pulses of laser energy into your hair follicles, and this is what stops them growing hair in the future. The convenient size of the home laser hair removal kits means you can only aim at individual hair follicles, making this a lengthy procedure.

The effectiveness of home laser hair removal will depend on how you use your laser pulse. In fact, some users of these systems have caused injury to themselves by applying the laser repeatedly to the same area of the skin. There is a high chance of scarring from using the laser in this way, which is why some people have started to question the effectiveness of home laser kits.

There are many claims that home laser kits make. For example, one claims that it can provide 100% home laser removal for all colors of hair. However, this claim does not hold up when you look at it more carefully. Quite simply, lasers are meant to target the dark pigments of the hair meaning that the darker your hair the more laser energy it can absorb. Those with light hair will not be so successful when using home laser hair removal kits.

There are many exaggerated claims when it comes to home laser hair removal kits. This also applies to other methods, such as lotion or wax. The best way to gain successful results is to look carefully at each product you are thinking about buying.

About the Author: The article written by Weera Kunti, please visit the website for more information as it provides information about

laser hair removal


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